hidup yang dah lepas semuanya seronok,happy n indah~
orang cakap hidup kena teruskan walau ape pun yang terjadi..
berubah lah kalau nak berubah..asalkan itu yang terbaik..
manusia ada macam2 rupa..
makin hari makin ramai yang kita jumpa..
tapi aku bukanlah orang yang senang untuk melupakan kenangan..
aku susah untuk terima benda baru dalam hidup aku..
aku cuba berubah untuk kabaikan diri aku..
i'm trying hard!really hard!
after i'm being 20, i have no idea about myself..
kepada mereka yang aku sakiti,maafkan aku..
to my beloved~ please dont change anything between us.. i love you since first i met you.. its hard to say before.. thanks for the waiting.. its one of the reason i love you.. thanks for the forgiveness that you give when i'm doing wrong.. thanks for being beside me when i'm down.. time go slowly and i dont want us going far apart as our distance.. sorry for the problem i brought.. sorry for the ignorance of your feeling.. i miss you~
aja,ckin,ina,adah,bai n yan..rndu korg..;(((( stiap petang jalan round KMNS..mmg habit.. jogging,postmortem!!,rndu nk mkn ngn korg.. i have such a beautiful life with all of u dearest!!
F6P3.. 1st aku msok prak ni aku ase org plg bodoh kot.. haha..tp berkat dok ngn org pndai,akhirnye aku jd gk org.. prak plg kecoh,mmg nmpk la perbezaan prak ni ade lam kuliah ke x.. byk bnde aku blaja ngn prakmates aku..even dlm diam dyorg byk aja aku.. survive lam keadaan yg kritikal,its very precious moment..thanks u ollz..
something bout me n him~
continue dr cecite matrik~
utk dptkn something that u really wanted for tu mmg susah.. byk benda yg aku nak kt dunia ni..
but,the most important thing (or person actually) is a guy yg ade name..hahaha
i fall for him for about almost one year(dkt nk sampai da)..
dia selalu ckp yg aku ni jodoh dia bcos..(hahaha)
kitorg ni 1 matrik n mmg xpnh knl each other lnsg oke!
nmpk sgt sombongnye tu..
even beselisih pn xpnh nk prasan,pdahal slalu gk ade kt tmpat yg same..
i know him when we are 'graduated' from matrix..(aku je)
knal pn kat FB je,sbb dia dok jauh kt klate tu..
he's really funny actually,he's brighten my life after fall down bcos of something really bad..he loves make me laugh..
thanks GOD for giving a such gudperson like him..
i love u my dearest~
ade gk dia ni kasih sayang..dats y i love u..;))
pic nk curik2..ske!~
first tyme 'atokcyg' comment status FB aku ngn chorus lagu ni.. "every time i see u fallin' i get down on my knees n pray waiting for the final moment u say the word that i cant say"frente ckp..hehe